
Friday, September 2, 2011

Tips for Avoiding Your Car Being Stolen

Car thefts often occur in large cities. There are many factors that cause it, could be due to personal negligence as well as a car thief who now is more cunning in the conduct of the action. Check out some of our tips to avoid car theft:

1. Parking in the light and seen by many people.
It can be discouraged thieves to steal your car because the action will be easily seen by many people.

2. Do not leave valuables when you leave the car.
Valuables such as wallets, laptops, cell phones and other valuables would be very easy to draw the attention of thieves. Even if you are forced to leave it in the car, keep it in a safe and not easily visible.

3. Avoid putting securities in the car.
Common habits are automobile owners and vehicle registration BPKB often kept in the glove compartment.

4. Before you leave the car, make sure you have closed the doors and windows of the car and locked it.
Never leave your car in a hurry so that you forget to pay attention to the security of your car.

5. Make sure your car is protected by a trusted insurance can assure you of the loss of a stolen car.

In addition to the above, you can also use a car safety device is commonly sold in the market. Here's a safety car that you can use to support the safety of your car from theft:

1. Use a car alarm.
Alarm sound is loud and yelling ear is powerful enough to startle thieves and continue the action.

2. Do not forget to lock the steering wheel while leaving the car.
Steering lock can deter a car to move because of linking the steering wheel with one of the components of pedam brake, clutch, and gas.

3. Use wheel locks.
Wheel lock can deter a car to move by hooking the car wheels. It would be difficult for car theft in public places.

4. Use a GPS (Global Positioning System) Transmitter.
This tool is able to accurately track the position of making it possible to know the position of your car during the theft.

5. Fill your car with Immobilizer Keys.
This is an engine management system within the ECU (Electronic Control Unit or computer system that regulates the car) that can recognize the signal sent from the key. This involves placing a microchip in the key head, where the chip is a miniature transmitter and receiver. If the signal is not recognized, then the ECU does not send flow so the engine does not start.

Hope that tips will help you. Thank you for reading.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Short History of Syariah Insurance in Indonesia

Here is a short history of syariah Insurance, at least in Indonesia.

Currently, Indonesia is known as one of the country with the Takaful operator in the world pretty much. Based on data from the National Islamic Council of Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI DSN), there are 49 Islamic insurance players in Indonesia that have earned the recommendation of sharia. They consist of 40 Takaful operators, three Islamic reinsurance, and six insurance brokers and reasiuransi sharia.

Development of the Takaful industry in this country begins with the birth of Indonesia's first Islamic insurance in 1994. At that time, PT Syarikat Takaful Indonesia (STI) was established on February 24, 1994 sponsored by the Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals (ICMI) by Abdi Nations Foundation, Bank Muamalat Indonesia, PT Mandiri Monument Life Insurance, Ministry of Finance, Indonesia and some Muslim businessmen.

Furthermore, STI set up two subsidiaries. They are a life insurance company named PT Islamic Takaful Insurance Family (ATK) on August 4, 1994 and the insurance company named PT Islamic Takaful Insurance General (ATU) on June 2, 1995. After opening Takaful Insurance, insurance companies were aware of the considerable potential of the Takaful business in Indonesia.

It is then pushed many companies into a crowd of Takaful business, among which is done by direct insurance companies establish a full and open division or branch of Islamic insurance.

Stretegi business development through the establishment of Islamic insurance companies Takaful Mubarakah performed by moving the syariah life insurance business. While the business development strategy through the opening of a division or branch of sharia do most insurance companies, among others, PT MAA Life Assurance, PT MAA General Assurance, PT Great Eastern Life Indonesia, PT Tri Pakarta Insurance, PT AJB Bumiputera 1912, and Life Insurance PT BRIngin Prosperous Life.

In fact, a number of large insurance players interested in getting the world also joined in the Takaful business in Indonesia. They assess Indonesia as the largest Muslim nation in the world is a potential for significant business development that can not be ignored. Among the companies included in the global insurance business of Takaful Indonesia is PT Allianz Life Indonesia and PT Prudential Life Assurance.

(Source: Republika, March 17, 2008)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Insurance Company: Asuransi Astra-The Journey

Here is the journey of one of insurance companies in Indonesia, Asuransi Astra.

12 September 1956. One step forward is started here. On this date PT Buana Insurance Company was established and started its business as an insurance company (general insurance).

In 1981. Growing expectations with its largest share of the company by PT Astra International (AI). It is hoped that this will increasingly give spirit to provide the best in performance.

In 1985. PT Buana Insurance Company opened a new branch in the city of Semarang.

In 1990. PT Buana Insurance Company changed its name to PT Astra Buana Insurance (AAB). This change of name and logo reinforce affiliation at Astra Group, a company known to have financial position and good management.

In 1992. AAB opened a new branch in the city. Total branches at that time amounted to 4 branches.

In 1994. AAB re-opened two new branches in the city of Medan and Makassar, so that the total branch amounted to 6 branches.

In 1995. This year, 95% of its shares owned by PT Astra International. The Company also launched its car insurance product "Garda Oto" and opened two new branches in Jakarta and Solo.

In 1996. AAB re-opened three new branches in the city of Bogor, Palembang and Denpasar.

In 1997. AAB achieved ISO 9001 certification in recognition of performance and commitment to the quality. In addition, also in this year also opened six new branches in the city of Jakarta, Tangerang, Jakarta, Cirebon and Lampung. So that the AAB had a total branch amounted to 17 branches.

In 1998. AAB-they started a company's internal organization into two major parts, namely Personal Line and Corporate Line. In addition to that, the Garda Oto become a pioneer in the riots to cover for its customers. Business conditions are getting better, it is anticipated by the AAB to open five new branches in the city of Pekanbaru, Batam, Purwakarta and Yogyakarta.

Year 2000. In this year, AAB sharpens the vision. Vision, mission and core values ​​are updated and strengthened as the company handles the company in achieving its goals. The various benefits provided to customers Garda Oto, such as: 24 Hour Access Guard, Guard Standby, website Garda Oto Oto Visa and Garda Card. Condition and appearance of any uniformed branch.

Years 2001 to 2005. A variety of recognition received by Astra Insurance as evidence of satisfactory performance and service for its customers. ICSA, IBBA, Best General Insurance, Green Company - Attestation of Assessment Certification, E-Company Award, Call Center Service Excellent Award MAKE Award and is part of the awards received by Astra Insurance during the year 2001 s / d 2005.
On March 16, 2005, Astra Insurance unit to expand its business by opening up Islamic unit. Islamic unit itself can serve retail and corporate customers with a reassuring feature, fair and profitable.

Of 2006. Innovation to give the best to its customers is manifested in the launch services Q'Repair Garda. This service allows for customers who qualify for vehicle damage repaired within one working day. AAB related golden anniversary, a variety of activities themed "Safety is Everybody's Concern" was organized as: Creativity Safety, Fun Safety Rally, Driving Safety Course and Touring Safety & Fun.

In 2008. Medical Guard present to provide services in the field of health insurance. Convenience to customers continue to be pursued, even Garda CALL nationwide access to a number 75 900.

In 2010. Astra Insurance launches Q'System Garda which is a B2B system with partner workshops for the efficiency and effectiveness of the process. Furthermore, the addition of benefits to customers through surveys Garda Oto @ your Doorstep, customers can make an appointment place and timing of the survey claims

Friday, February 18, 2011

Insurance Company: Jasindo-A Brief History

This is another review of insurance company in Indonesia, PT Asuransi Jasindo. The stand of Jasindo is Jasa Indonesia.

The establishment of PT Indonesia Insurance Services (Limited) is an important part of the history of the nation and the homeland of Indonesia. This history began in 1845 when the implementation of the nationalization of Assurantie Maatschappij NV de Nederlander, an insurance company owned by the Dutch General, and Vander Bloom, UK General Insurance company based in Jakarta.

Proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia declared independence on August 17, 1945 by Proclaimer of Indonesia, Ir. Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta, as well as to the implementation of the mandated transfer of power and ownership of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Government of Indonesia. Including, to the nationalization of the two companies and changed the name to both a PT Insurance Bendasraya engaged in general insurance in the amount and General PT International Underwriters (uIU) which operates in the field of General Insurance in foreign currencies.

The second follow-up results of the nationalization of the company aims to provide maximum benefit to the community and strengthen its security and economy of the country. The nationalization policy was implemented under the umbrella of law Act No. 86 of 1958 on the nationalization of Dutch Companies that are within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

After the implementation of the policy of nationalization and the natives then came an initiative to optimize the functions and roles of the two national companies in the face of challenge and fill in the era of independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

In a historic journey, through the Minister of Finance No.764/MK/IV/12/1972 dated December 9, 1972, the Indonesian government decided to conduct a merger between PT and PT Bendasraya General Insurance International Underwriters (uIU) to PT Indonesia Insurance Services (Limited) as a State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) which is engaged in General Insurance business. Ratification of the merger is further confirmed by Mohamad Ali Deed No. 1 dated June 2, 1973.

As one state that has a brilliant business performance in Indonesia, all the shares of PT Indonesia Insurance Services (Limited) owned by the Republic of Indonesia. Moreover, the passage of time has proved that PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero) or known by the Insurance Jasindo, does have the experience of a qualified, long and mature in the field of General Insurance and even since the colonial era. This experience gives the value of its own initiative for the existence and growth of insurance Jasindo performance to date, so successful in gaining public confidence both at home and abroad.

In presenting a professional service and the best, Insurance Jasindo always uphold the values ​​instilled a corporate culture that is Hone, Mercy and Foster. In addition, the Insurance Services Indonesia is also committed to providing excellent service to meet the satisfaction of the insured. Jasindo insurance also receives support from the leading reinsurers around the world, such as Swiss Re and Partner Re, the reinsurance providing back-up, especially the coverage that is mega-risk.

In resolving the claims of, commitment to accuracy and speed Jasindo Insurance can not be doubted. This is evidenced by the settlement of the claims even to be worth trillions of dollars. Call it for example, claims Apogee Kick Motor Palapa B2 of U.S. $ 75 million, BDC Failure Palapa C2 worth U.S. $ 31.2 million, Battery Charging Failure Palapa C2 Satellite amounting to U.S. $ 36.5 million, and the Loss of DB Garuda Satellite belongs Aces International to U.S. $ 101.5 million.

Insurance experience and ability to invite Jasindo admiration, it has been also recognized by the international rating agency, Standard and Poor's to category "Claims Paying Ability" in 1997 with a rating of BBB. Furthermore, in 2009, Insurance Jasindo again gained recognition as the only company General Insurance national who obtained ratings from rating agency International AM Best, based in Hong Kong and the United States, for the category "Financial Strength Ability" (Stable Outlook) with a rating of B + + Issuer Credit and Ability (Stable Outlook) with a rating of BBB.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Insurance Company: Jiwasraya-The Profile and History

Jiwasraya is one of the biggest insurance company in Indonesia. Here is the profile and history of Jiwasraya.

The company was founded with a noble purpose, namely to educate the community plan for the future. Dated December 31, 1859 be the beginning of gait BNI in Indonesia who was born with the name Nederlandsche Indische Lijvrente Levenverzekering en Maatschappij (NILLMIJ). Along the way, the company has nine company-owned smelter with other Dutch colonial government and a national company. In 1973 turned into a company owned by the Indonesian government is now better known as State Owned Enterprises (SOEs).

The Company is now more popularly known as BNI Life Insurance has entered the age of 145 years. Throughout the performance also continues to be forged to achieve public trust. Synergies between the lofty goals with business strength, able to take Jiwasraya be a reliable insurance company and trusted.

In running his business, BNI has always tried to adjust to developments and needs. That's why the company has always held a renewal for the sake of answering the demands of the times, including in 2003 by replacing the logo as well as changing its corporate identity. The new spirit is also embodied in the motto 3-P is Product, Process and People.

Product side means that companies are always trying to present innovative products, such as JS 95 and JS Link Fixed Link Fixed 93 for unit-linked products (combining elements of protection and invetasi), as well as achievements and JS JS Multi Protection Fund for insurance education. In the Process element means Jiwasraya always try to apply the latest in communications technology complements the speed and accuracy of its services. The technology is called the JL-Indo and V-SAT. Through JL-Indo policy printing process can be done in a branch which issued the policy, while the V-SAT is a communications technology that connects all the offices both BNI Head Office, Regional Office or Branch Office into a single unit (on line). Meanwhile, the increase of the People through the standardization of the quality of the entire BNI agents. The Company also regularly conduct a variety of education and training of employees both at home and abroad. To date BNI has 505 experts and professionals in the insurance field are scattered in both the Head Office and Regional Office / Branch Office.

Support the above three pillars reinforced by a solid financial foundation, it is believed will make the BNI as a commercial insurance company is reliable and reputable, domestically and abroad.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A True Understanding of Insurance: The Best One

Many people have different views about the meaning of insurance, therefore, this is a true understanding of insurance.

Insurance is not gambling or investing. Indeed, in modern insurance there is a component of investment, but this should be seen as complementary rather than a major component. Insurance aims to offer protection against risks that may arise. It could be said in brief insurance is a system where we share our risk with others, the insurance company.

Existing insurance from time immemorial pilgrims. For example in the code of Hammurabi, ancient Babylonian law, no law that addresses credit insurance. This law is intended to allow the traders to obtain loans from investors. If there is an accident, like a sinking ship, the borrower does not have to repay their loans. While the trade if successful, they pay the loan with an interest.

Modern Insurance
In our day today, the concept of insurance is about sharing risk. Insurance companies in the world pay attention to the frequency of loss statistics. For example, the possibility of illness, critical illness, and treatment costs. This will be used to predict how much insurance premiums to be paid by the client.

Funds obtained by the insurance company will be used to pay claims presented by clients when they suffer losses.

Do you think you are free from any risk of loss? Which type of insurance that suits you best? How much mortgage you receive now? All this should be considered.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Definition: Auto Insurance

Auto insurance is a kind of insurance. As our learning media, this blog will provide you a definition about auto insurance. The definition is according to Insurance Information Institute. Or you can visit the website of Insurance Information Institute here.

What is Auto Insurance?
The auto insurance will protect you against financial loss if you have an accident. How it works? It works under  a contract between you and the insurance company. On the contract, you agree to pay the premium and the insurance company agrees to compensate your losses as defined in your policy. An auto insurance should provides property, liability and medical coverage:
  • Property coverage compensates for damage to or theft of your car.
  • Liability coverage compensates for your legal responsibility to others for bodily injury or property damage.
  • Medical coverage compensates for the cost of treating injuries, rehabilitation and sometimes lost wages and the funeral expenses.
So, is there any coverages we need? Basically, an auto insurance policy is comprised of six different kinds of coverage. But, most states require you to buy some, not all, of these coverages. for example, if you're financing a car, your lender may also have requirements for the policy. Then, most auto policies are for six months to a year. Do not forget that your insurance company should notify you by mail when it’s time to renew the policy and to pay your premium of the auto insurance.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Issue of Insurance for Climate Changing

Climate change has been an issue recent years. The world becomes hotter, and hotter everyday. And we can get fresh air easily now. Pollution, glasses house effect, and so many other reasons of this changing. Usually, we call this changing as global warming. So many researchers has been studied this changing and the causes. So, is this changing will affect the insurance industry? Let's check this out.

Insurance industry groups are studying the effects of climate change on the industry.  The Geneva Association, whose members represent the world’s largest insurers and reinsurers, agreed in May 2009 to continue its CC+I research project on climate change and its economic impact on insurance. In a comprehensive report, “The Insurance Industry and Climate Change–Contribution to the Global Debate,” the Association sets out the issues and the role insurance can play in the process of adapting to the negative effects of change, particularly in developing countries.  In 2009 also, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners adopted a climate risk disclosure survey.  In February 2012, three states, California, New York and Washington State, announced they will now require companies writing more than $300 million in premium to respond to the survey. Previously only about a third of the larger companies participated. For smaller insurers, providing information on climate change risk is voluntary.  Responses will be available to the public.    

Public concern about climate change has led to litigation over carbon dioxide emissions. In June 2011 the U.S. Supreme Court said that states and conservation groups do not have the right to sue power plants to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. That authority lies with the Environmental Protection Agency, it said. This and other lawsuits moving through the court system are based on the notion that emissions are a public nuisance. 

Public nuisance is a common law tort that imposes liability on an individual or entity that interferes with a public right—to health and safety, for example. In the past, the concept has been used in tobacco and gun litigation. But in a lead paint ruling in July 2008 in a case seeking damages from several paint manufacturers and their trade association for potential lead paint poisoning, the Rhode Island Supreme Court refused to allow the expansion of the public nuisance law to environmental and product liability cases, saying “public nuisance law simply does not provide a remedy for this harm.”

Other judges have said that public nuisance claims in such cases require the courts to make a policy decision about who should pay for global warming when almost everyone is responsible to some degree.

Furthermore, insurers are not responsible for defending their power company policyholders in court for releasing greenhouse gases because the release is not accidental but part of their ongoing business practices, the Virginia Supreme Court said in September 2011. The commercial liability policy that businesses purchase covers only accidents or, in insurance jargon, occurrences.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Insurance: A Public Understanding

In Indonesia, insurance called as "asuransi". It is about risk management of uncertain loss. So, it will compensate of your financial problem from a loss. For example, when you got an accident (sorry, we hope that's not happened to us), the insurance company will pay the cost of your loss such as the hospital cost or cost for repairing your car.

The insurance company is the company who sells an insurance policy. In that policy, also called as contract, is about your agreement to buy the policy to insure the insured entity. Then, you should pay the premium to get compensate when you get loss.

Do we need to be insured? of course, we do need. Because we do not know what will be happened for the next second. For example, after playing futsal we can be hit by a Xenia with a crazy woman drove it. So, get your insurance to against the uncertain loss of your financial problem.